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The symposium took place in the very attractive location called Promotie Zaal at the KULeuven which breaths the ancient atmosphere of scientific lectures and thesis defenses over the past centuries.

During the scientific morning session researchers from the universities of Hasselt, Ghent, Brussels, Leuven and Antwerp provided an update on the current status of Alzheimer’s research in general and within our project. Our understanding of the mechanisms driving the development of Alzheimer’s disease is growing and may result in the discovery of diagnostics and therapeutics.

The afternoon session targeted the general public. Kim Plasman (Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek Belgium) Prof. Frans Verhey (University Maastricht), Prof. Sebastiaan Engelborghs (Universiteit of Antwerp) and Prof. Jos Kleinjans (University Maastricht) gave their more general overview about the current knowledge of this neurodegenerative disease. The Dutch journalist and publicist Hugo Borst closed the Symposium with sharing his personal experiences with his mother, who suffered from Alzheimer’s, reading touching passages from his latest book “Ach moedertje”.

ToxGenSolutions BV

Erwin L Roggen (CEO): More than 25 years of industrial experience (including 15 years as a manager) in the development, implementation and use of animal-free methods; Self-employed since 2013 ( with the mission to valorise promising animal-free methods; Founder and co-owner (2011) of the listed company SenzaGen AB (Lund, Sweden) (, specialized in cell-based identification methods for allergens. profile:

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